% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το New Wave
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Τι (ποιος) είναι New Wave - ορισμός

New wave; New-wave; New Wave (disambiguation); New Wave (album); Onda Nueva; The New Wave

new wave         
(new waves)
In the arts or in politics, a new wave is a group or movement that deliberately introduces new or unconventional ideas instead of using traditional ones.
...the new wave of satirical comedy...
...New Wave music.
new wave         
¦ noun
1. another term for nouvelle vague.
2. a style of rock music popular in the late 1970s, deriving from punk.
New Wave (design)         
In design, New Wave or Swiss Punk Typography refers to an approach to typography that defies strict grid-based arrangement conventions. Characteristics include inconsistent letterspacing, varying typeweights within single words and type set at non-right angles.


New Wave

New Wave may refer to:

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για New Wave
1. as new wave recipes.
Food Artisans of Japan - Recipes and Stories _ Nancy Hachisu _ Talks at Google
2. because this new wave of innovation
3. And this new wave is just developing.
The Magic of Sleep _ Michael Acton Smith _ Talks at Google
4. somewhere between new wave, electronica, and soul.
Daví Live Performance _ Talks at Google
5. We're bringing a new wave of cinema.
Edward James Olmos, Haley Joel Osment & David Strathairn _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για New Wave
1. However, the new wave of funds being raised is different.
2. "But the new wave of funds being raised is different.
3. The new wave could begin as early as January 2007.
4. Eleven men were arrested in the new wave of unrest.
5. But I think now, this new wave of immigration poses a problem.